Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Pain is Minimal...But Still There

In some of my earlier posts I mentioned having pains and sores on the tips of some of my fingers. I am happy to say that it has significantly improved. It has not gone away (like I would love), but it is no longer a daily occurrence. My hands are still colder than most and the tips are still sensitive. The sores are almost COMPLETELY gone! Thank your Lord! I almost have complete control of my hand. The coloring in my hands are almost back to normal.

When I tell you that God is good...I am telling you from experience. I use to cry EVERYDAY because of the severity of the pain I was enduring in my fingers alone. My mother would be right there with me...in tears. My father would be there trying to figure out what he could do...hurting for his baby girl aka his twin. He is wiping away our tears day by day!

Cooking and Zumba!!!!!!!

Growing up with my brother, my mother always use to cook this dish that resembled Chinese Food with. A twist. We thought to ourselves that our mother is a Nigerian woman....cooking "Chinese food". It was soooo good! We loved it so much that we deemed it Nigerianese!

It had been awhile since we have had it. One day, my mom and I were at home and could not to think of what we were going to cook. Mom said "How about Nigerianese?" I was elated! My mouth was watery and ready to learn. I stood by my mom the entire time in the kitchen...eager to figure out how she made it.

I am proud to say...I now know how to make it and will definitely be making it for my family one day. And no, I will not share the recipe with you :-)

Another exciting update is that I have been attending Zumba again! My first class out of the hospital was a little tasking because my legs still were not strong enough, but I am proud to say that I pushed myself and made it through the entire hour without sitting down! Yay! I went to it with my little sister! She's an amazing supporter!

Now I attend Zumba multiple times throughout the week. I am still trying to find my perfect schedule that is full of teachers that push me the way I need to be pushed. These legs will not get better on their own! :-)

Life is sooooooo good!

New Road...New Professional Goal!

All of my life I have said that I want to be a Pediatrician...I have NEVER wanted anything else...until now! My passion has always been to make a difference and help people especially children. My passion was never in becoming a Pediatrician. I simply though that was the best way to accomplish my goal...

When I was in the hospital...I changed my mind. When you go through the kind of horrifying drama that I went through, finding out so many life changing information in so little time and coming so close to heaven, you have a lot of time to just lay there and think. Sometimes you need someone who knows what you are going through and has been through it to be there and talk to you. Even if their situation is not identical...at least they have been through something that changed their life, medically, forever.

Every morning a psychologist came in with my main doctor as he made his rounds, but I never got the chance to just sit and talk to her. At the time, I did not know that I needed to, but looking back, my thought process may have been a lot different had I had the opportunity to just talk.

Everyday I got to talk to my mother, who continually lifted my spirits. She spent almost every waking moment with me. As soon as I was considering changing my destination I told her and she said she would support me. When I told my dad, brother, and little sister while I was in the hospital...they said the same.

The new direction I have chosen to take is...drumroll please.......Clinical Psychology. I want to focus in pain management and child psychology. This is where I believe my true calling is. I feel this is where God is trying to take me. This field is where I have decided to devote my life to. I made this decision for me and no one else. I truly believe that this is one of the best decisions I have EVER made!

Thank you Lord