Friday, June 28, 2013

Find Your Motivation!

Living with a chronic illness makes you appreciate all of the little things in life. Some things may not seem like a big deal to other people, but it may mean the world to you! Do not compare your accomplishments to others around you because everyday is LITERALLY a blessing from God when you are living with a chronic illness. Tomorrow is SERIOUSLY not promised to anyone...especially YOU!

With that is my milestone that I recently achieved...DRUMROLL PLEASE!............This was the FIRST week since I have been out of the hospital that I was able to make it to work everyday!!! That is HUGE for me! This week I came to work even on my Physical Therapy day. Trust me...there wasn't a morning that I did not feel like getting up, but I told myself that I need to push it and be committed! I still had my flares and still had those days where I would RANDOMLY fall asleep, but I made it!

Something as simple as making it to work has motivated me to push myself in other aspects of my life! I hope that any of you reading my blog can find your motivation to do what you have to do to matter how big or small it is!

God is truly working in my life and I honestly would not be here today if it was not for him pushing me and giving me a reason to fight for my own life! If you do not fight for your life then who will? If you do not push yourself to succeed then who will? If you do not get up and make a change in your life then who will? God won't do it for you. God is simply your front seat passenger giving you advice on which direction to go or which road to go down. It is ALL up to you to take the necessary steps!


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Building YOUR Support System

There are so many things that you need to learn when you are newly diagnosed with ITP, MCTD, Lupus, or any other chronic illness. As you are learning and going through it...your support system needs to be learning as well. You cannot expect for everyone to know how to handle what you are going through right off the bat. Just as you had to do they. So I have found a way to make the explanation process so much easier...The Spoon Theory by Christine Miserandino. This is not only for Lupus patients. It can be applied to any chronic illness in which you have to take it easy and think ahead about how you are going to manage your time and energy throughout the day.

Here is the link:

When I first read the Spoon helped me (the person with the many chronic illnesses) to understand what I was going through and how to better survive throughout the day!

You will NEVER stop learning about your ILLNESS and you will NEVER stop being surprised about what you find out.

The sooner you realize that having an AMAZING support system will prolong YOUR life. This is YOUR life and YOUR support system which means YOU are not alone!