Saturday, December 29, 2012

First Sunday at Church

My First Sunday at Church

My first Sunday back to church after my discharge was such an amazing experience. They welcomed me with open arms and open hearts. Some people ran outside when they saw us pull up and saw me in the front seat. As I walked in...people left their seats to come and greet us. They did not know that I would be there that day. The love, support, and prayers that were sent my way from my church was more than I knew. I was out of it when some of them came to visit me, but I was told about what they did for us! I am so blessed to be a member of a church that has so many caring people.

During praise and worship I became so overwhelmed and tears of joy came streaming down my face. I could not thank the Lord enough for what he had done for me. Tears were upon the faces of all members of my family. Everyone one who went on stage to speak...noticed I was there and greeted me from up there. It was such an amazing feeling. I felt so welcomed. At the end of the service my family went up to thank the church for what they have done. My aunt was there and she got a chance to speak...instead of speaking she broke down and decided to dance...she danced for me! We celebrated my life!

The church also celebrated the graduates of the Fall 2012 semester. With all that I went through...I still graduated. I was not able to walk across the stage, but I am a graduate. I could not have accomplished that without God.

Thank you Lord for all that you have done for me! I would not be where I am today without your love and guidance!

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